Version: 1.16
Turkey's will naturally spawn in any forest biome (oak, birch, spruce, etc.) and have a 50% chance to spawn where a normal chicken would. When in creative mode turkey's will not interact with you in anyway but will just walk around the world. If in survival, the turkey's will run away from any nearby players. If a turkey is punched it will make a gobble sound and run away. When killed turkey's will drop raw turkey meat and a few brown feathers. The raw meat will give poison if eaten, but if cooked will give a lot of saturation. It takes 2x longer to cook turkey in a furnace or smoker compared to other food. Brown feathers can be used as normal feathers but can also be used to craft a stuffed turkey. You can wear a stuffed turkey on your head and it will give you speed and make a gobble sound every time you sneak. It can also be placed down on the ground and eaten which will completely fill your saturation.

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