More Bows
Version: 1.15
Stronger and more accurate bows in Minecraft 1.15!
Every tool and armor comes in many different materials, except for 1 item... the bow. So I decided to add the 4 remaining bows Mojang didn't add, the stone bow, gold bow, iron bow, and the diamond bow.
These bows aren't just different in appearance, they also have different strengths. Each bow is stronger than the last, so the nicer the bow, the farther the arrow flies! The diamond bow can shoot 2 times farther than an ordinary bow, meaning your aim will be much more accurate.
These bows also have another advantage that before was limited only to crossbows: the piercing effect. The new bows can now deal damage to more than 1 entity at a time, the diamond bow doing the most amount of damage. Taking out large groups of zombies will be no problem ;)

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