Machine Guns
Version: 1.15
This machine gun has a 360 degree radius in which it can shoot and is easily controlled by just looking in the direction you want to fire. It is compatible in both survival mode and multiplayer worlds, so you can battle your friends! Paste the command below into a command block which will make a bigger box of command blocks. To make the machine gun, throw an iron ingot, a redstone dust, and a gunpowder onto the ground and in return you will get the machine gun spawn egg.
Right click while seated at the machine gun to fire a bullet, or hold right click to rapid fire. The bullets will do a small amount of damage to the terrain and any mobs in its path. By punching the back of the machine gun it will pop back into its spawn egg form, letting you take it with you someplace else. To go along with the machine gun, you can also craft another item, the scope, by throwing a glass block and an iron ingot on the ground. Hold it in your offhand to zoom in on your target.

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