Ridiculously Long Pickaxes

Version: 1.15

Pickaxes are too short in the game, so with my datapack you can make them longer. Just put a pickaxe and 1 extra stick in a crafting table and you will get a Long Pickaxe. Add 2 extra sticks with a pickaxe in a crafting table and you will get a Really Long Pickaxe. The longer the pickaxe, the more blocks it breaks with each swing. Although they mine a lot of blocks, they take a lot of damage every time you use them meaning long wooden or golden pickaxes will break almost immediately whereas long diamond pickaxes will last a lot longer. If these pickaxes still aren't long enough for you you can actually put 2 logs and a pickaxe in a crafting table to get a Ridiculously Long Pickaxe which is 15 times longer than a normal pickaxe and It mines tunnels 20 blocks. All these pickaxes can be enchanted or renamed, just like a normal pickaxe.


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