Angry Cows
Version: 1.16
Cows will now get angry if another cow is killed nearby. When angry cows will become super fast, deal damage and effect you with damaging potions. They also have a chance to split up into smaller cows when angry meaning tons of cows could start attacking you even if only 1 cow was damaged. Angry cows will will also shoot smaller cows at nearby players which deal a lot of damage to any entities. Even a fence cannot stop these guys as they will just break through any fence making them very hard to contain. If only 1 cow is harmed and no other cows are nearby nothing will happen since no other cows witnessed the death of the cow. However as soon as any other cows are nearby when a cow dies, they will stare at the dead cow body for a few seconds and then stare at the player who killed it. After a few seconds they will explode with anger and start rushing at any nearby players. Angry cows have an insanely long follow range meaning they can find and follow you from hundreds of blocks away.

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