Version: 1.16
Bedrock blocks can be broken if you sneak on them for 1 hour. When they break it has a 10% chance to drop a bedrock block, so on average it will take 10 hours to mine 1 bedrock. Bedrock can be crafted into a bedrock pickaxe. Simply holding down right-click while using the bedrock pickaxe will mine the air block directly in front of you. When an air block is mined, it will leave behind a dark matter which is completely black and gives off black particles. The wither effect will be given to players standing in this dark matter. When an air block is mined it also drops and air item, which can be placed down. To get rid of a dark matter one must place air inside of it. However, if any other block except air is placed inside dark matter it will explode killing nearby entities. If multiple dark matter blocks are next to each other the explosion will exponentially increase. Air can also be crafted into an air hat which makes the player weightless and transparent. When wearing the air hat you can bounce and float around with jump boost and speed.

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